H&R Group Blog

Nagoya’s Beer Gardens

Jun 26, 2015 By Bert Wishart

It could be argued that one of the greatest things on Earth is sitting outside on a warm summer’s day...[ Click to read more ]

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Learning Japanese in Tokyo

Jun 11, 2015 By Bert Wishart

  One of the biggest challenges of integrating with Japanese society is the language barrier. The obvious recourse to this...[ Click to read more ]


Climbing the Walls – Bouldering in Tokyo

Jun 11, 2015 By Bert Wishart

I doubt that there is a single kid in the western world who, when watching the 1933 classic movie King...[ Click to read more ]

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Salsa Street and Caribbean eating in Tokyo

Jun 11, 2015 By Bert Wishart

As the weather heats up in the city, what better way is there to celebrate the summer steam than with...[ Click to read more ]

The Redback Spider

Jun 08, 2015 By

Executive Summary The redback spider is dangerous, but unlikely to kill a healthy adult, even if the anti-venom is not...[ Click to read more ]

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Tsushima Tenno Festival – Japan’s Most Spectacular Summer Festival

May 28, 2015 By Bert Wishart

If Kyoto’s Gion festival is the biggest of the summer festivals, the Owari Tsushima Tenno Matsuri in Aichi is perhaps...[ Click to read more ]

Red Bull Air Race Tokyo

May 14, 2015 By

Red Bull Air Race There is really no way to convey the adrenaline fueled excitement of Red Bull Air Races through...[ Click to read more ]

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CoCo Ichiban Curry: “Briskly, Sharply, and with a Smile.”

May 05, 2015 By Ray Proper

Many people are not aware of it, but Curry House CoCo Ichibanya, or just CoCo Ichiban as it is often called,...[ Click to read more ]

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Volunteer Opportunities in Nagoya

Apr 26, 2015 By Ray Proper

Volunteering has a lot of upsides and few downsides to it.  It is a great way to meet new people...[ Click to read more ]

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Clubs and Groups in Nagoya

Apr 23, 2015 By Ray Proper

If you are new to Nagoya you may find yourself wanting to get out and meet people. One of the hardest parts...[ Click to read more ]

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