H&R Group Blog

Alternative Fitness Options in Hiroshima

Dec 25, 2020 By Bert Wishart

So, over the holidays, you indulged until you were fit to burst. We’ve all been there, but now you’ve noticed...[ Click to read more ]

Let’s Tour: Togoshi-Ginza in Tokyo

Dec 24, 2020 By Jason Gatewood

Tokyo’s Ginza shopping district is known far and wide for its opulent array of shops and boutiques catering to those...[ Click to read more ]

Our House! – We More Than Recommend These Restaurants in Nagoya

Dec 24, 2020 By Bert Wishart

Back in the day, when I was embarking on this writing game, I imposed three cardinal rules upon myself: 1....[ Click to read more ]

Finding Flexibility and Fluidity through Online Yoga

Dec 22, 2020 By Jason Gatewood

With 2020 having become "The Year Of Apart, Together", I’ve started a series on finding ways to keep your mental...[ Click to read more ]

Viewing the Magical Diamond Fuji from Tokyo

Dec 15, 2020 By Bert Wishart

Diamond Fuji is a twice annually phenomenon when the sunrise and sunset align perfectly with Mount Fuji’s summit, looking for...[ Click to read more ]

Toyoda’s Cheese Steaks Delivers a bit of Philly (and more) to Tokyo

Nov 30, 2020 By Jason Gatewood

Let me be up front— I am probably closer to being from Philadelphia, Mississippi than Philadelphia, Pennsylvania when it comes...[ Click to read more ]

Winter Wonderland on the Historical Nakasendo Trail

Nov 30, 2020 By Admin

The Nakasendo’s landscape changes with the season but it’s during winter that warmth of the locals is most noticeable. Before...[ Click to read more ]

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Winter Illumination in Tokyo 2020

Nov 26, 2020 By Jason Gatewood

Christmas Day in Japan is just another working day for the most part.  The most interesting facet of the Christmas...[ Click to read more ]

Nagoya’s Best Sweet Shops

Nov 25, 2020 By Bert Wishart

Japanese cuisine is mostly known for its raw fish and tempura, but I have a sneaky suspicion that, should you...[ Click to read more ]

Vietnamese Restaurants in Hiroshima

Nov 24, 2020 By Bert Wishart

That Japan has some of the world's finest cuisine, there can be absolutely no doubt, and it is rightly renowned...[ Click to read more ]

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