If for some reason you are unable to make it to the Brazilian festival in Hisayaodori this month, there is no...[ Click to read more ]
Issha and Hongo in Meito-ku are the most popular areas for expat families in Nagoya as they are located on...[ Click to read more ]
Brazilian Festival Nagoya is a little slice of Latin America in Hisayaodori Park, Sakae. You can enjoy a variety of Brazilian foods...[ Click to read more ]
Among recent arrivals, vegetarians and vegans have it comparably rough in Japan. If there was ever a country set up...[ Click to read more ]
Roppongi (六本木 ) is an area within Minato, Tokyo, and one of Tokyo’s most popular places among locals and foreigners...[ Click to read more ]
Sake, of course, is famous around the world for being Japan's national drink. Though the drinking of Chinese alcohol is...[ Click to read more ]
On the face of it, Japan has something of an odd relationship with pizza. You can find pizza slices in...[ Click to read more ]
While sumo and baseball are the undoubted kings of Japanese sport, there is mounting evidence to say that, amongst the...[ Click to read more ]
Just 50 km southwest of Tokyo city center there lies an exquisite island of such natural beauty you wouldn't be...[ Click to read more ]
TJCS presents the 2016 Hanami in Kairaku Koen Tsu City, Mie Prefecture Date: Saturday, April 2nd ***Rain out: Sunday, April 3rd Start:...[ Click to read more ]