H&R Group Blog

New Japanese Sports for 2020 Olympics

Mar 22, 2018 By Bert Wishart

[caption id="attachment_34896" align="aligncenter" width="650"] An Olympic athlete waits at a starting line[/caption] The committee in charge of sports nomination for...[ Click to read more ]

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Getting Hot Under the Collar at Tejikara Fire Festival

Mar 22, 2018 By Bert Wishart

I sometimes worry about the Japanese and their propensity for dangerous festivals. With logs hurtling down hills, submergence in icy...[ Click to read more ]

Kobayashi Otolaryngology, Nagoya, Tenpaku

Mar 08, 2018 By Admin

Kobayashi Otolaryngology(こばやし耳鼻科) Branches of medicine:  Otolaryngology Address: 1-1510 Iguchi, Tenpaku-ku, Nagoya Aichi 468-0052 Telephone:  052-804-8833 Website: http://www.koba-orl.com Office Hour:    Mon...[ Click to read more ]

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Sake’ing it to ya, at the Nayabashi Sake Festival in Ngaoya

Feb 26, 2018 By Bert Wishart

Forget Asahi, Kirin or Strong Zero, there can be no doubt that the national drink of Japan is sake. ‘Nihonshu’,...[ Click to read more ]

Oagata Shrine Fertility Festival, Celebrating the Power of Femininity

Feb 26, 2018 By Bert Wishart

If you have spent any time in Nagoya or its surrounds, then it is a good chance that you have...[ Click to read more ]

Food & Drink Unique to the Kansai Region

Feb 26, 2018 By Justin Hanus

If you're a foodie, a trip to the Kansai region is a must if you visit Japan. Kansai folk love...[ Click to read more ]

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Kobe’s Nightlife

Feb 26, 2018 By Justin Hanus

Are you ready to explore Kobe’s nightlife but are not sure where to go? I have got some great suggestions...[ Click to read more ]

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8 Things to Do on Awaji Island near Kobe

Feb 26, 2018 By Justin Hanus

Island life is always serene and stress free. There’s that come hither idea of jumping on a boat and going...[ Click to read more ]

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8 Most Popular Samurai Castles in the Kansai Region

Feb 26, 2018 By Justin Hanus

The Shogunate has been the most influential and highly esteemed form of government that began in Medieval Japan when the...[ Click to read more ]

8 Most Unique and Fun Themed Cafes and Restaurants in Tokyo

Feb 26, 2018 By Justin Hanus

If you think it’s only in anime, manga, tv shows and movies that Japan can be unique and creative, think...[ Click to read more ]