Valentine's Day is nearly upon us, and in Japan, that means just one thing: chocolate. Now, everyone knows that here in Japan, we do things a little differently, namely that...[ Click to read more ]
Oshogatsu, or New Year, is the most important holiday in Japan. Businesses shut down from January 1 to January 3, and families gather to spend time together. During the New...[ Click to read more ]
Holidays in Japan are bright and colorful affairs, and Nagoya is no exception to this rule. If you are looking for decorations, lights, or other holiday materials there are a few...[ Click to read more ]
Christmas Day in Japan is just another working day, for the most part. The most exciting facet of the Christmas and holiday season in Japan is that all traces of...[ Click to read more ]
As an avid cyclist who rides daily for their commute, I tend to fear the winter months. Nothing does for the motivation like the icy wind biting at your fingers,...[ Click to read more ]
Nagoya's cuisine is pretty different from traditional Japanese fare. While most of the best-known Japanese dishes are famed for their subtlety, delicate, and refined tastes, with its spicy red miso...[ Click to read more ]
The Japanese are very conscious of the seasons changing around them, often celebrating little, or not so little, milestones between each to mark the transitions between their much-touted "4 distinct...[ Click to read more ]
The Chubu Walkathon is an exciting event that raises money for charity and offers a great family-friendly day in the park for adults and children alike. The Walkathon is not...[ Click to read more ]
So, over the holidays, you indulged until you were fit to burst. We've all been there. But now you've noticed that you've put on a few pounds and can shake...[ Click to read more ]
Though Nagoya has a plethora of great restaurants with amazing teppanyaki, tebasaki, ramen and sushi, sometimes you just want good old home comfort food, and quite often that means burgers....[ Click to read more ]