Anyone with a penchant for Japanese history and a love of Japanese artistry will recognize the Japanese Goldfish, “Kingyo,” as...[ Click to read more ]
Tokyo Tower may have become Tokyo’s second tallest tower thanks to the new SkyTree in Sumida Ward stealing the title...[ Click to read more ]
The area to the southwest of Tokyo proper located in Kanagawa Prefecture called Shonan, is known for being a longtime...[ Click to read more ]
What’s better than attending one of Japan’s summer festivals? Cruising Tokyo Bay while sipping cocktails in your summer yukata! So...[ Click to read more ]
If you are looking for a lively and colorful way to draw your summer to a close there is no...[ Click to read more ]
In 1903 a group of British expatriates established the first golf club in Japan, in Kobe. In 1913, the Tokyo...[ Click to read more ]
Kure on the Seto Inland Sea approximately 45 minutes by train from Hiroshima is a city steeped in the historic...[ Click to read more ]
It is important to be prepared for a disaster, but you should keep the danger in perspective. If you must...[ Click to read more ]
With summer in full swing, what better a way to spend a few afternoon or early evening hours than at...[ Click to read more ]
Kansai is one of the most visited regions of Japan and has an allure for tourists because of its unique...[ Click to read more ]