The Tokyo Game Show is an annual trade show for video game developers held at Makuhari Messe Convention Centerjust outside Tokyo. First held in 1996, the Tokyo Game Show is among the world’s biggest...[ Click to read more ]
According to the latest weather reports, us Tokyo residents will be experiencing high temperatures until October. While we are basically at the zenith of heat in August, it is still...[ Click to read more ]
It sometimes can be a bit surprising to learn that at one point in time the busiest parts of Tokyo weren’t the bustling areas of Shinjuku and Shibuya but were...[ Click to read more ]
In summer, is there anything better than sipping on an ice cold beer as the city temperature rises? Well yes, actually there is: Digging into a freshly grilled piece of...[ Click to read more ]
We've said it before, and we'll say it again: Japan loves beer. So it's no surprise there's an Oktoberfest festival happening somewhere at any point in the year. For Golden...[ Click to read more ]
Did you know that April 21st is Record Store Day? Sure, the modern music industry is well and truly established in the digital world, but record stores still cling on...[ Click to read more ]
When living in a new country, offering your free time to help the local community can be a great thing. One such way is volunteering for a nonprofit organization (NPO)....[ Click to read more ]
Tokyo is so many things and includes so many places that it is often hard to take it all in. Being in the city can sometimes remind me of a...[ Click to read more ]
What did you want to be when you grew up? Did you spend hours playing doctors and nurses? Did you imitate your school teachers? Did you pretend to be a...[ Click to read more ]
A list of the top 100 Japanese city parks was compiled by the Japan Green Parks Institute in 1989, and on that list, you can find five parks in Aichi...[ Click to read more ]