The best hike within Hiroshima City is a great bush hike to the summit of Mt Mitaki on the outskirts...[ Click to read more ]
Amongst the museums, galleries, and attractions you will find in Hiroshima, perhaps one of the more surprisingly interesting is the...[ Click to read more ]
Japan is in the grips of a cult. But this is no religious extremism or political fanaticism. This cult is...[ Click to read more ]
Craft beer in Japan didn’t come about until approximately 25 years ago. Until 1994, Japanese laws required that a place...[ Click to read more ]
With the second highest life expectancy in the world at an average of just under 84 years, Japan has a...[ Click to read more ]
There are numerous things to do and see in Nara City, but the most important attraction has to be Nara...[ Click to read more ]
With nearby mountains and plenty of parks and scenic attractions, Kobe is a pleasant city to explore by foot. Many...[ Click to read more ]
Kobe has plenty to offer foodies who like nothing more than a spot of sampling the culinary delights in a...[ Click to read more ]
On the surface, it may seem that shodo is simply a form of Japanese writing. Actually, it is much more...[ Click to read more ]