When it comes to alcoholic beverages, the Japanese are most proud of their sake and rightly so. However, while sake...[ Click to read more ]
When one thinks of Japanese high art, alongside haiku, ukiyo-e, and the movies of Yasujiro Ozu, kabuki is most probably one...[ Click to read more ]
While vaping, the alternative to smoking which its advocates claim to have none of the adverse affects of tobacco, is...[ Click to read more ]
Hanatouro is an "illumination festival" that happens in Kyoto twice a year at two separate locations. Actually there are two...[ Click to read more ]
For anyone who likes birds, plants and animals, but really isn't into the whole dirty and bug infested wilderness thing,...[ Click to read more ]
There is only a relatively small band of latitudes across planet earth where the chlorophyll in the leaves of deciduous...[ Click to read more ]
For many folks autumn in Japan means chestnuts. Asia is known as both the largest producer and the largest consumer...[ Click to read more ]
In their original incarnation, mascots were intended to provide luck; and so you found them most often with military units,...[ Click to read more ]
Feeling hungry? Well look no further than the annual Hiroshima Food Festival. It’s held every year in October and with...[ Click to read more ]
Jukebox Paradise Set in a teen malt shop in Hilo, Hawaii during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, Phil and...[ Click to read more ]