Despite being one of the most densely populated parts of the world, containing the capital city and Japan's most significant...[ Click to read more ]
The Japanese are proud of the four distinct seasons that Japan offers and is very conscious of changing the seasons...[ Click to read more ]
You might not know this, but Japanese cuisine was added to UNESCO's intangible heritage list in 2013, meaning the cooking...[ Click to read more ]
When people mention Japan, one of the first things they think of is the fast and efficient means of transportation...[ Click to read more ]
Hiroshima, or more precisely, Saijo, is known as one of the best sake brewing areas in the whole of Japan....[ Click to read more ]
If you arrive in or depart Hiroshima Station from the East on one of the local trains or Shinkansen, you...[ Click to read more ]
We knew it was bound to happen eventually; Japan is home to the first restroom-themed restaurant, our toilet technology is...[ Click to read more ]
Choices for dining out in Tokyo are nearly limitless. You can eat your way around the world and dine on...[ Click to read more ]
Wakayama prefecture is home to Koyasan — one of the most popular places for pilgrimages for more than a thousand...[ Click to read more ]
Even if you've never set foot in Japan, there's a good chance you've tried sake, as rice wine is famous...[ Click to read more ]