The Keisei Railway runs between Ueno Park and the far reaches of Chiba Prefecture including the city of Chiba and...[ Click to read more ]
Aichi sees a fair number of harvest festivals around the start of the Chinese New Year, with communities praying that...[ Click to read more ]
While it feels like the music industry is becoming ever-increasingly digital, with the likes of Spotify, YouTube, Apple Music, and...[ Click to read more ]
The rest of the world’s foodies may cast a longing eye toward Japan, but let’s face it, if you live...[ Click to read more ]
One of the best reasons to visit a department store here is to ride the elevator down to the basement,...[ Click to read more ]
The New Year is traditionally a time when people decide to put their culinary over-indulgences behind them and start a...[ Click to read more ]
About 75 minutes from Nagoya, in the Mikawa Bay region, you can find Toyokawa Inari, one of the most unique...[ Click to read more ]