I Heard it Through the Grapevine: Sera Winery and Yume Park
Feb 24, 2022 By William Farrow
As the chills of winter give way and the warmth of spring begins to return to Japan, people find themselves willing to venture into the great outdoors again. Those with smaller children will also quickly search for places where the little ones can run around and burn off energy. What...[ Click to read more ]
Looking for Snacks? Leaf it to Me!
By William Farrow
In Japanese, the word momiji usually refers to the leaves of the maple trees in Japan. A popular symbol representing autumn, it should come as no surprise to hear that the Japanese snack on...wait, what? Are people eating leaves? Also, isn't this article being written in late winter?! Okay, no one...[ Click to read more ]
Get Your Groove On! A Thrifty Guide to Buying Guitars in Japan
Jan 24, 2022 By William Farrow
For those who love to hit, pluck, strike or strum their instrument of choice, moving to Japan can provide a few challenges. Short-term expats looking at only a few years in the country may not want to risk damaging their beloved instrument during the moves in and out of the...[ Click to read more ]
Import Stores in Hiroshima: Your Home Away From Home
Dec 27, 2021 By Michael Stigall
People who come to Japan can be divided into three types when it comes to food. The first type is a person who continues to eat a typical Western diet. The second type is the type who decides to abandon all Western foods and "go Japanese" completely. The third type...[ Click to read more ]
Shopping Online in Japan – Internet Shopping!
Aug 21, 2021 By Ray Proper
You are not going to get complaints from me about living in Japan. I am generally happy here, but still, I prefer to use products and eat foods from my own country in many cases; decent peanut butter, for example. Maybe in your case, Vegemite? There are lots of products...[ Click to read more ]
Places to Visit on a Walking Tour of Gion in Kyoto
Aug 18, 2021 By Justin Hanus
Gion is one of the oldest neighborhoods in Kyoto. It is famous for being the entertainment district of the city and for the presence of real geishas that you can often see walking along the streets. There are many interesting sites to see in Gion, all of which you can...[ Click to read more ]
Let’s Tour: Jimbocho Books District in Tokyo
Jul 18, 2021 By Jason Gatewood
If you’ve been hanging around Tokyo (or following our Let’s Tour Tokyo series) long enough, you’ll have no doubt found there’s a pattern with many neighborhoods in the central part of the city in that they sometimes specialize in some form of commerce or government. Harajuku and Omotesando are devoted...[ Click to read more ]
Buying Summer Yukata in Tokyo
Jun 20, 2021 By Bert Wishart
If you have ever been to a summer fireworks festival around Tokyo you may have noticed many people wearing traditional Japanese dress and wondered what was going on. Well, summer festivals are a time when Japanese and foreigners alike can wear yukata, a summer, and informal variant of the famous kimono. What is...[ Click to read more ]
You Spin Me Right Round! Exploring Tokyo’s Record Stores
May 26, 2021 By Bert Wishart
The modern music industry is well and truly established in the digital world. Most people access their favorite artists now through Spotify, YouTube, Apple Music, and Soundcloud, but there has also been an unexpected boom in analog music. According to Forbes, vinyl sales have grown 260 percent since 2009, and...[ Click to read more ]
Hit The Decks! Exploring Hiroshima’s Record Stores
By Bert Wishart
The modern music industry is well and truly established in the digital world. Most people access their favorite artists now through Spotify, YouTube, Apple Music, and Soundcloud, but there has also been an unexpected boom in analog music. According to Forbes, vinyl record sales have risen by 260 percent since...[ Click to read more ]