While less than 1% of Japan's population identifies themselves as Christian, Japanese families still look forward to and enjoy Christmas festivities in their own distinctly Japanese way. Encouraged by businesses...[ Click to read more ]
Across Hiroshima Prefecture, early to mid-January involves one final, festive bit of housekeeping with regard to the year just passed. Part of ‘Koshagatsu,’ which marks the traditional lunar new year,...[ Click to read more ]
[caption id="attachment_31602" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Oden, a Japanese winter favorite[/caption] As a Brit, I am used to winters being cold, wet and miserable, with skies as grey as the faces shielded...[ Click to read more ]
Located between the Dojima and Tosabori rivers, the island of Nakanoshima is a gorgeous sight to behold any time of year. This historical epicenter of Osaka’s commercial and administrative culture...[ Click to read more ]
The Japanese people are very fond of saying that Japan has four distinct seasons, and while this does not always strike foreign people as particularly special, it is certainly true. ...[ Click to read more ]
Winter in Japan can get a touch on the chilly side, can’t it. So, what’s the best way of warming up? Sitting under a kotatsu? Attaching hot kairo heat pads...[ Click to read more ]
Outside of Tokyo and other urban areas, central heating is not really a thing in Japan. High end properties will off such amenities, but generally heating your entire home uniformly is...[ Click to read more ]