The Nippon Domannaka Matsuri, commonly called Domatsuri, is the largest dance festival in the Nagoya/Chubu region and involves dancers from all over Japan and abroad. This festival is one of the highlights...[ Click to read more ]
Not content with being the site of Japan's oldest (arguably most elegant) castle or being a staggeringly beautiful city, Inuyama hosts a particularly spellbinding festival every spring. The Inuyama festival...[ Click to read more ]
"Hanami" literally means flower viewing, but it is much more than that to Japan's people. Hanami signals the end of another long winter's chill. Besides simply enjoying the beauty of...[ Click to read more ]
Ramen is a classic Japanese food. If you ask a random person, foreign or Japanese, male or female, what their favorite food is, you are highly likely to get "ramen"...[ Click to read more ]
In his 1977 classic one-hit wonder, John Paul Young sang the immortal lines "Love is in the air, everywhere I look around." There is a good chance that he wasn't...[ Click to read more ]
October brings the Nagoya Festival, a massive parade throughout the city celebrating three great warriors and historical leaders connected to the city: Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and Tokugawa Ieyasu. However, this is by no...[ Click to read more ]
Setsubun, or "That Bean-Throwing Festival," celebrates the beginning of spring in Japan. Celebrated yearly on February 3 as part of the Spring Festival, its association with the Lunar New Year...[ Click to read more ]
In Japan, celebrating New Year is all about 'firsts.' Perhaps the most important 'first' is the first trip to a shrine, a tradition called hatsumode. While this visit can happen...[ Click to read more ]
Back when I lived in the UK, one of my co-workers told me about how, in his free time, he was a member of a local pro-wrestling team. I was...[ Click to read more ]
If you have ever been to a summer fireworks festival around Tokyo you may have noticed many people wearing traditional Japanese dress and wondered what was going on. Well, summer festivals are a...[ Click to read more ]