Novelist, copywriter and graduate from the most prestigious university in Sunderland, Bert whiles away his precious time on this Earth by writing about popular culture, travel, food and pretty much anything else that is likely to win him the Pulitzer he desperately craves.
If you ask pretty much anyone from Gifu, "What is your home prefecture like?" then there is a strong possibility...[ Click to read more ]
With the weather finally taking a turn for the better and the cherry blossoms dropping their flowers, it is that...[ Click to read more ]
If, like Edwin Starr, you like the sound of funky music (and that it sho nuff turns you on) then...[ Click to read more ]
Teppanyaki, the style of cooking famed for its extravagant chefs slicing and dicing meat on a griddle, is believed by...[ Click to read more ]
As far back as I remember, I always loved going to amusement parks, and fortunately for me, the Japanese are...[ Click to read more ]
You all know the Bat Phone, right? The red telephone that Commissioner Gordon used to contact Batman, it flashed red...[ Click to read more ]
On the Sea of Japan, Tottori Prefecture is something of an anomaly in that it abounds with natural beauty, is...[ Click to read more ]
When you think about Japanese food, it is probably sushi that most readily comes to mind, followed by rice and...[ Click to read more ]
For those of us who are used to the climate control comforts of central heating, double glazing, and insulated buildings...[ Click to read more ]
When I first came to Japan, I answered the standard "what Japanese food do you like?" question with "I absolutely...[ Click to read more ]