Tokyo IS good food. In my opinion, the food in Tokyo is the best part of Tokyo! You can get pretty much anything in Tokyo at any time, and Christmas...[ Click to read more ]
In the United States, BBQ is cooking meat for long periods at low temperatures with smoke from a wood fire. BBQ adds a distinctive smoky taste to the meat, and...[ Click to read more ]
It's no secret that Japan is one of the most seismically active places on Earth. But this is also a good thing when you consider one of the country's most...[ Click to read more ]
Yosakoi dancing started in Kochi in Shikoku around 1954 as a way to celebrate postwar reconstruction, building spirit, and teamwork. Blending traditional Japanese dance and costume motif with modern music,...[ Click to read more ]
You might not know this, but Japanese cuisine was added to UNESCO's intangible heritage list in 2013, meaning the cooking is something unique in the world, not found anywhere else....[ Click to read more ]
We knew it was bound to happen eventually; Japan is home to the first restroom-themed restaurant, our toilet technology is talked about and adored far and wide, and we even...[ Click to read more ]
Choices for dining out in Tokyo are nearly limitless. You can eat your way around the world and dine on almost anything humans consider edible (even the most questionable) here...[ Click to read more ]
Whether you love or loathe the hustle and bustle of the big city, there are no two ways about it: Tokyo is amazing. There is so much going on and...[ Click to read more ]
Typhoon season in Japan runs from June to December, but most typhoon activity occurs between July and September. The southern parts of Japan, such as Okinawa or Kagoshima, are particularly affected...[ Click to read more ]
You are not going to get complaints from me about living in Japan. I am generally happy here, but still, I prefer to use products and eat foods from my...[ Click to read more ]