Aichi Sports

Get the Wind in Your Summer Sails with Water Sports in Aichi

Jun 28, 2024 By Bert Wishart

When I first moved to Nagoya, I was pretty happy because it was right near the coast. I had visions of the sorts of beaches one sees in Thailand or...[ Click to read more ]

Getting a Kick out of Karate – What’s it all about and where to do it in Nagoya

Nov 30, 2023 By Bert Wishart

When I was six years old, my parents signed me up at a local karate class. I’m not sure why; perhaps because, as the smallest kid in my class, they...[ Click to read more ]

Nagoya’s Sports Teams

Jul 31, 2023 By Bert Wishart

When you think of Japanese sports, there is a good chance that a martial art comes to mind. However, Japan as a nation is sports crazy, and though sumo is...[ Click to read more ]

Fire up the Exhilaration at Brave Point Airsoft Gym

Jan 30, 2023 By Bert Wishart

At the beginning of the year, many of you may have decided that it was time to get into shape, begin diets, and start an exercise routine. However, as we...[ Click to read more ]