Aichi Beaches

Get the Wind in Your Summer Sails with Water Sports in Aichi

Jun 28, 2024 By Bert Wishart

When I first moved to Nagoya, I was pretty happy because it was right near the coast. I had visions of the sorts of beaches one sees in Thailand or...[ Click to read more ]

The Hunt is Afoot! Clam Hunting with the Kids in Mikawa Bay near Nagoya

Apr 28, 2023 By Bert Wishart

Clam hunting is a fun and educational activity that kids and adults alike can enjoy, especially in the beautiful Mikawa Bay area. Located in southern Aichi, Mikawa Bay has a...[ Click to read more ]

Aichi Beach Events, 2016

May 22, 2016 By Bert Wishart

Its getting to that time of year again when the thermostat starts to rise and thoughts of beaches spring to minds. Although Aichi isn’t necessarily famed for its beaches, there...[ Click to read more ]