Osaka Prefecture

English Speaking Yoga Studios in Osaka

Feb 21, 2017 By Justin Hanus

If you’ve been in Osaka for some time, you’re probably familiar with the many different gyms and fitness centers scattered throughout the city. For anyone looking for a place to...[ Click to read more ]

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The Wheels Are Turning at Cycle Mode Ride Osaka

Feb 21, 2017 By Justin Hanus

Japan largely missed out on the first bicycle boom of the 1880s and 1890s but when the bicycle became hot again in the 1960s and 1970s - mostly for recreational...[ Click to read more ]

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Land of the Rising Sun is No Mere Slogan

Jan 23, 2017 By Justin Hanus

The "Land of the Rising Sun" is not just a catchy marketing slogan drummed up by the Japan tourism bureau. In fact the slogan is not even of Japanese origin,...[ Click to read more ]

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Toka Ebisu Festival

New Year’s Celebrations in Osaka: Ring in the Good Luck 2017

Dec 21, 2016 By Justin Hanus

Winter fun seeking in Osaka is an invigorating blend of the traditional and the modern. Consider the age-old practice of pounding rice to usher in the Japanese New Year. Foods...[ Click to read more ]

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Nakanoshima Park Osaka

Nakanoshima River Cruise in Osaka

Nov 28, 2016 By Justin Hanus

Located between the Dojima and Tosabori rivers, the island of Nakanoshima is a gorgeous sight to behold any time of year. This historical epicenter of Osaka’s commercial and administrative culture...[ Click to read more ]

It’s Fall in Japan; Time to get Nutty about Chestnuts

Oct 24, 2016 By Justin Hanus

For many folks autumn in Japan means chestnuts. Asia is known as both the largest producer and the largest consumer of chestnuts in the world. Scientists studying the remains of...[ Click to read more ]

It’s All Happening at the Tennoji Zoo – At Night

Aug 20, 2016 By Justin Hanus

We have all gone to a zoo on a summer day and seen the animals snoozing or lying around doing nothing - just what you would expect animals to be...[ Click to read more ]

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Capsule Hotel

Prepare to Launch – Kansai’s Capsule Hotels

Aug 19, 2016 By Justin Hanus

Celebrated Japan architect Kisho Kurokawa gave the world its first taste of mass pod living in 1972 with the creation of the Nakagin Capsule Tower in Tokyo. The idea was...[ Click to read more ]

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El Zocalo Burrito in Osaka

Jun 29, 2016 By

I have it on good authority that El Zocalo Burrito in Osaka is all the burrito you will ever need. More US than Mexican, El Zocalo Burrito features great big...[ Click to read more ]


Osaka is the Tenka no Daidokoro (the Nation’s Kitchen) – Not What You Think

May 19, 2016 By Justin Hanus

Before the world bought into the abstract concept of money - whereby a piece of metal or paper can stand in for something of real value - trade was conducted...[ Click to read more ]