Japan Travel Insurance: The Tokio Omotenashi Policy

May 09, 2023 By Admin

Japan travel insurance through the Tokio Omotenashi Policy can be purchased online and covers travelers who experience a sudden illness or injury while visiting Japan for up to 31 days. If the policyholder needs to see a doctor or if a visit to the hospital or emergency room is necessary,...[ Click to read more ]

Things to do While Practicing Social-Distancing

Mar 25, 2020 By Jason Gatewood

Thanks to the recent COVID-19 pandemic affecting much of the globe, pretty much every public health office recommends people minimize their exposure to the virus as much as possible; mainly by not gathering in public and keeping social calls to groups of 10 or fewer people. That is incredibly hard...[ Click to read more ]

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What are the Different Doctor Offices in Japan all About?

Feb 28, 2020 By Jason Gatewood

If you live in Japan long enough, sooner or later, you will need to see a medical professional for either an ailment, dental cleaning, eye exam, or a checkup. Japan has one of the best healthcare systems in the world in terms of accessibility and affordability. Most hospitals and clinics...[ Click to read more ]

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