Do You Know Nags? – Uncovering Nagoya’s Hidden Gems – Part 7

Jun 28, 2024 By Bert Wishart

Whether you’re new in the city or are a Showa Gaijin, Nagoya is a city that always surprises. New restaurants, shops, and drinking establishments spring up all the time, and you can be wandering down an oft-trodden street and come across an ancient temple that you’ve never seen before. We...[ Click to read more ]

Get the Wind in Your Summer Sails with Water Sports in Aichi

By Bert Wishart

When I first moved to Nagoya, I was pretty happy because it was right near the coast. I had visions of the sorts of beaches one sees in Thailand or Okinawa. Unfortunately, though the Ise and Mikawa bays are meccas for fishing, they are not exactly the most picturesque of...[ Click to read more ]

Renting a Car in Kobe

Jun 26, 2024 By Justin Hanus

Renting a car in Kobe is a useful alternative to buying or importing a vehicle if living in or moving to the city. Although Kobe has a great public transport system, having a car gives you more scope to explore the city’s many attractions without having to worry about vehicle...[ Click to read more ]

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Starting a Business in Hiroshima

By Justin Hanus

With the 4th highest GDP in the world, Japan is a hotspot for entrepreneurs across the world and encourages international trade. Expats looking to start their own business in the country should consider Hiroshima. Although it doesn’t have a financial climate on the same level as Tokyo or Osaka, it’s...[ Click to read more ]

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Summer Activities in Tokyo For Kids

By Michael Stigall

Tokyo is big. Really big. One significant upside to its massive size is that there is something for everyone to enjoy. Obviously, the metropolis is a Mecca to anime and manga fans. Similarly, lovers of technology have several sights and neighborhoods to enjoy. Let’s also not forget nightlife considering that...[ Click to read more ]

Best Summer Picnic Spots in Tokyo

By Michael Stigall

With the weather becoming a lot nicer, many people are ready to get out and enjoy the warm weather, and having a picnic is an excellent and cheap way to get out into the city and enjoy it. I know a few places from small squares to riverside glens that...[ Click to read more ]

A Guide to Flowers in Hiroshima: From Wisteria to Tulips

By Justin Hanus

The climate of Hiroshima is ideal for a wide variety of flowering plants. These add to the beauty of the already stunning landscapes and many contribute to the local economy. Before you go to Hiroshima, have an idea of what flowers you can expect to see. Wisteria After the cherry...[ Click to read more ]

Your Summer Prep Checklist

May 31, 2024 By William Farrow

As the sun begins its daily climb earlier and earlier with each passing day, the familiar signs of summer have begun to show. Experienced Japan residents know what this means - Long, humid days interspersed with intense rainfall depending on how the typhoons play out for the season. Summer can...[ Click to read more ]

How a VPN Can Improve Your Japanese Life

By Bert Wishart

Living in Japan's great, isn't it? The food, the history, the natural beauty, and the bustling cities. But do you know what isn't great? Japanese TV. From its slapstick-heavy comedy shows to formulaic police dramas, it's nauseating variety programs, and the endless, ubiquitous food chat, it's pretty woeful. And it's...[ Click to read more ]

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Buying a Property in Kansai

By Justin Hanus

If you’re planning the big move to Japan, you may have your heart set on buying your own place rather than renting a home. Kansai has some great properties to buy in places like Osaka, Kyoto and Kobe. However, the Japanese home-buying process might be a bit different from what...[ Click to read more ]

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