
Online Shopping Options In Japan

Jun 26, 2024 By Michael Stigall

You are not going to get complaints from me about living in Japan. I am generally happy here, but still, I prefer to use products and eat foods from my...[ Click to read more ]

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New Spots to Visit Around Kansai

Apr 26, 2024 By Justin Hanus

The pandemic shut down everything in Japan for a while, but Kansai has now bounced back with a number of new attractions. This makes right now a great time to...[ Click to read more ]

Leaving Japan? Better Get Some Souvenirs!

Mar 26, 2024 By Bert Wishart

It is said that nothing is certain in this life but death in taxes, but I would like to add one more to that: change. Since coming to Japan, your...[ Click to read more ]

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What to Expect from the Reopened Kansai International Airport

Mar 25, 2024 By Justin Hanus

After closing for renovations in 2021, the international terminal of Kansai International Airport reopened in December 2022. This was its first major renovation since it opened in 1994. A variety...[ Click to read more ]

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What Souvenirs to Bring Back from Hiroshima

Mar 25, 2024 By Justin Hanus

Many people know little about Hiroshima beyond its tragic history as the site of the atomic bomb in World War II. Change that for your friends and family by bringing...[ Click to read more ]

All About Daiso: Hiroshima’s Famous 100-Yen Store

Feb 28, 2024 By Justin Hanus

Just like the U.S. has dollar stores, Japan has 100-yen stores. One of the most famous is Daiso, based in Hiroshima. It’s popular for stocking a variety of original products,...[ Click to read more ]

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Shinjuku Kinokuniya

English language bookshops in Tokyo

Feb 28, 2022 By Michael Stigall

With the advent of e-readers and smartphones, getting your hands on English language literature in Japan isn’t the challenge it once was. It used to be a significant challenge, even...[ Click to read more ]

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Going Cashless in Japan

May 26, 2021 By Bert Wishart

For those of us who arrived in Japan in the previous decade or before, the country's fastidious adherence to its reputation for a nation in which cash was king was...[ Click to read more ]

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Cool Biz – What is it, and Where Can You Get It?

May 29, 2019 By Bert Wishart

The summer has felt upon us for some time now, with the thermostat rising as quickly as the humidity, and although officially the season does not begin until June 22,...[ Click to read more ]

Tokyo Midtown Hibiya: Upscale shopping at the Emperor’s front door

Apr 26, 2018 By Jason Gatewood

Tokyo’s Hibiya district is known mostly for its namesake park right next to the Imperial Palace grounds, and being home to many Japanese government offices as well as corporations. If...[ Click to read more ]