For some people nothing completes a family like an additional member in the form of a pet. Whether it is a cat, dog, or something a little less orthodox,...[ Click to read more ]
Japan is a cash-based economy, so it is a good idea to bring enough cash for initial expenses when you relocate here. The simplest way to cover this need is...[ Click to read more ]
Driving in Japan presents its own set of challenges, especially for those used to roads and traffic “back home.” The most obvious challenge for many is that the traffic moves...[ Click to read more ]
These ARE the droids you are looking for... Let’s face it, it’s an iPhone world, but Droids need love too! Here are a few Android apps to get you through...[ Click to read more ]
From April 1, 2016, changes were made to the format of the Disembarkation Card for Foreign Nationals, Embarkation and Disembarkation Card for Re-entrants, and the Embarkation Card for Foreign Nationals was discontinued. The new format...[ Click to read more ]
Downtown (Naka-ku, Higashi-ku) Sakae is one of the Nagoya’s major business districts and you will find all you want here from nightlife and shopping to dining, arts and entertainment. The...[ Click to read more ]
Chikusa is conveniently located just a 15-minute subway ride from the central business district in Nagoya City and is a popular place for dining after hours among young professionals. Commuting...[ Click to read more ]
Issha and Hongo in Meito-ku are the most popular areas for expat families in Nagoya as they are located on one of the Nagoya International School bus routes and provide...[ Click to read more ]
You have come all this way, why not learn the local language? Here are a few basic phrases to get your started! The Basics Good morning – OHAYOU GOZAIMASU -...[ Click to read more ]
Living in Japan can be difficult, but the internet has many resources to make things a bit easier and an iPhone or other smart phone can put those resources at your...[ Click to read more ]