
3 Day Family Emergency or Evacuation Kits

Jul 20, 2019 By Ray Proper

It is important to be prepared for a disaster, but you should keep the danger in perspective. If you must live through a major quake, Japan is probably the best...[ Click to read more ]

Shinsei Bank’s GoRemit Application Timeline

Jul 16, 2019 By Admin

What is the GoRemit App? The GoRemit App is a dedicated smartphone app for the GoRemit Shinsei Overseas Remittance Service provided by Shinsei Bank. If you are a customer of...[ Click to read more ]

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Dealing with Humidity and Mold in Japan

Jul 10, 2019 By Ray Proper

Japan is a big place, but a large part of Japan sits with the "humid subtropical climate" zone, characterized by hot, humid summers and mild winters.   These long hot and humid...[ Click to read more ]

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Pollen Allergies in Japan

Mar 20, 2019 By Ray Proper

The proportion of people who have problems with allergies in Japan is startlingly high.  People who suffer from allergies will suffer severe reactions from the pollen such as: Nasal congestion...[ Click to read more ]

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3LDK Apartment Example

Minpaku: Subletting in Japan

Nov 22, 2018 By Mita

Minpaku is a private accommodation or lodging available for rent - not a hotel, Airbnb, etc.   Staying in a minpaku is often cheaper when compared to hotels, and offer more...[ Click to read more ]

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Organic Supermarkets in Osaka

Oct 15, 2018 By Admin

Japan doesn't have Whole Foods, but we do have other organic food stores. If you are seeking organic or natural foods in Osaka, try one of the options below! Natural...[ Click to read more ]

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Banking in Japan: ATMs Decreasing, ATM Fees Increasing

Aug 30, 2018 By Jason Gatewood

As Japan adjusts both technologically and demographically to cater to both citizens and visitors alike, the banking industry is also in a state of adjustment. The broad acceptance of available...[ Click to read more ]

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Garden Maintenance Responsibilities in Japan for Renters

Jul 06, 2018 By Mita

It is important to start this conversation with the caveat that the contents of YOUR housing contract may be significantly different than the broad generalities outlined in this article. As...[ Click to read more ]

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Sort it out: A Primer on Recycling in Tokyo

Jun 26, 2018 By Jason Gatewood

Ask almost any expat who has lived here for at least a year or so, “what are some difficult things about living in Japan you’ve had to come to terms...[ Click to read more ]

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Measuring Room Sizes in Japan

Jun 10, 2018 By First Admin

Some of us have been brought up on feet and inches, while some know only meters, centimeters and millimeters. If you live in Japan, you also need to develop a...[ Click to read more ]

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