You may not have known it, but you may come from a country with comparably cheap power. Japan is a great place, and we got lots of “stuff” to be proud of here, but cheap power isn’t one of them. Leaving your AC or heater running to keep your cat comfortable while you are at work may have been perfectly reasonable at home, but here the bill at the end of the month might surprise you… unpleasantly.
To avoid any such unpleasantness we recommend you look through this list of common appliances and how much it costs to run them. A little bit of knowledge might save you a whole bunch of cash.
Key: Appliance (factors) unit price ~ annual cost.
* “Jo” is a measure of room size. More info on room sizes here.
It is not just hot in Japan, its cold. In some cases VERY cold. In most cases, you are still better off using your AC to heat in winter, but it will depend on your specific circumstances. Below is a list of scenarios and a suggested heating method.
Halogen Heater (For *3 jo tatami room) (see examples)
high: JPY 27/hour
medium: JPY 18.09/hour
low: JPY 8.91/hour
Carbon Heater (see examples)
high: JPY 24.3/hour
low: JPY 12.15/hour
Oil Heater (For 8-10 tatami room) (see examples)
high: JPY 32.4/hour
medium: JPY 18.9/hour
low: JPY 13.5/hour
Air-conditioning unit (For 8-10 tatami room) (see examples)
JPY 2.8 ~ 53.5/hour
Hot Carpet (For 2 tatami room) (see examples)
high: JPY 8.5/hour
medium: JPY 6.2/hour
Kotatsu (see examples)
high: JPY 4.6/hour
low: JPY 2.2/hour
Photo by: Used without permission
Photo by: Santeri Viinamäki [CC BY 4.0], from Wikimedia Commons
Hi, I wasn’t able to understand your electric costs of selected appliances, because you didn’t specify what the time period was on many of them. Was the JPY # you provided per hour, per day, or per month? No matter. I really only have one specific question that I hope you can answer for me. How much does it cost in Japan to run a small portal electric fan per hour, the kind of fan a student would have in a small 1 room student apartment just big enough for a bed, a desk, and a small kitchen area? I’m talking generally, but this specific case is for the area around Kyushu University.
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